Hey, geeks -- Ken here! I've decided to go forward with updates in a newsletter format. If you've subscribed to our blog, congrats, this is showing up in your email! If you haven't subscribed, make sure to do so and you'll receive future updates direct to your inbox. Until then... here we go!
I said it! The championship matches were entertaining enough, but the highlights definitely came during the two Rumble matches. There were a lot of great moments throughout those bouts that Chris and I both enjoyed, but I have to say, my personal favourite moment came in the Women's Royal Rumble when Sarah Logan and Liv Morgan were briefly reunited within the ring. It was that Edge/Christian moment from 2021 all over again. I mean, just look at how heartwarming this reunion was:
Ah, excellent question! I did say back at the beginning of January that Chris and I were going on a break and what an excellent break it's been. Sometimes it's hard for me to keep up with it all, so the month off has definitely been appreciated. With that said, Chris and I will be getting back together to shoot the Camcast next week, so I'm setting the return date right now: Thursday, February 17th will be the release date of Episode 139!
Comic books are my first true and it's never been a better time to be a fan of the medium! These days, I'm all about the indie books and with 2022 being the celebration of the 30th Anniversary of Image Comics, the hits keep on coming! February will see the return of Scott Snyder and Tony Daniel's fantastic Mad Max-esque horror book NOCTERRA, the finale of the widescreen-format adventure ECHOLAND's first arc, and the arrival of SUPERMASSIVE -- Radiant Black's first event that'll feature the first appearances of Rogue Sun and Inferno Girl Red! Let me know in the comments which comics you're reading this month!
Yup, it's true! I've been cutting together the remaining episodes of BOARD OFF! and it'll be returning very shortly with Episode 12 of the new series followed by Episode 18 of the classic run. For release dates, please keep an eye on our social media pages. This'll sadly be the final run of BOARD OFF! due to a couple unfortunate reasons: first, the pandemic (obviously), and two, there was an accident recently that caused our shooting location of Calico Coffeehouse to become flooded and damaged, so we wouldn't even be able to continue shooting if we wanted to.
With theatres open in Ontario again, I was finally able to watch the new SCREAM... and it was fantastic! I'm so happy that I was able to dodge spoilers during the past couple weeks because this flick is so full of twists, turns, and surprises, I would've been royally angry if someone ruined it for me (do your best to avoid all spoilers for this film). There's a line in the trailer where Dewey says to Sidney, "This one feels different," and the same can be said about the movie itself. It's similar in certain aspects, but it really does stand out from the previous four films. It's gory, funny, sad, thrilling, and a great tribute to the late Wes Craven. Also, kudos to the filmmakers for finally acknowledging Roger L. Jackson (the voice of Ghostface) in the end credits of the film. Wes would be proud.

Alrighty, that's all for today! If you enjoyed this newsletter, please subscribe to be notified when future instalments (as well as any written works by Chris Mercier and Kris Fedick) appear! If you'd like to chat about any of the topics above, come find me on Twitter or Instagram. Feel free to DM me if you'd like to discuss SCREAM spoilers!
See ya all soon!